maidian color printing|heidelberg speedmaster xl75-威尼斯37266

 maidian color printing|heidelberg speedmaster xl75-威尼斯37266
welcome to maidian color printing official web site!
heidelberg speedmaster xl75-8 l eight-color uv printer



intellistart intelligent operation navigation system and job - oriented intellistart control center

both feida and retainer are equipped with a glass touch screen operating panel

contains color package printing flux in the machine control system of the spectrophotometer (i.e., online measurement and control system) and color assistant pro, ink fountain liner and fully automatic control to automatically adjust the characteristic curve of automatic calibration, ink color package also contains the individual ink preset printing ink, ink preset, programming control vibration separator, and digital motor control ink area

autoplate xl automatic plate changer can fully automatically and synchronously change the printing plate

add:no 6,chunwang road,panyang industrial park, xiangcheng district,suzhou
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威尼斯37266 copyright © 2010-2012 mdcp technology co.,ltd .