maidian color printing|hf-威尼斯37266

 maidian color printing|hf-威尼斯37266
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hf-45ml inclining label printing machine


hf-45ml inclined-back trademark printing machine is successfully developed by hong kong hongfa machinery manufacturing co., ltd.its maximum speed is 7200 vehicles /h, the maximum size of the printing is 255*218mm, the minimum size is 20*10mm.its shift adjustment is simple and easy to do, reduce the loss of trial printing materials, greatly reduce the standard production is easy to operate and solves the shortage of printing the same time the use of advanced automatic control system, no paper automatic stop, counting sheet to the set value will stop the alarm.compact organization, occupy less land, save electricity, power enough, easy maintenance.the introduction of hf-45ml inclined back trademark printing machine not only reduces the production cost of maidian, but also provides a solid technical support for the development of maidian in clothing, tag, medicine, electronics, food, toys and other industries.

add:no 6,chunwang road,panyang industrial park, xiangcheng district,suzhou
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威尼斯37266 copyright © 2010-2012 mdcp technology co.,ltd .