maidian color printing|ltm-威尼斯37266

 maidian color printing|ltm-威尼斯37266
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ltm-300it rotary four-color printing press


the ltm-300it rotary four-color printing machine has a maximum speed of 14000 vehicles /h and a maximum size of 300*315mm and a minimum size of 70*50mm.the equipment needs only one plate drum to be printed, thus eliminating the complexity and waste of replacing the plate drum.printing plate cylinder combination is simple, greatly reducing the printing plate change time, is suitable for the production of a variety of trademarks the best printing device.the introduction of this equipment not only saves the production cost and production time, improves the production efficiency, but also provides a solid and powerful guarantee for the development of the wheat point label market.

add:no 6,chunwang road,panyang industrial park, xiangcheng district,suzhou
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威尼斯37266 copyright © 2010-2012 mdcp technology co.,ltd .